So far, the summer here in Colorado has been one that reminds me of my childhood.....but with tornadoes.
To those of you who were fortunate enough to be born and raised in the land of God (Elway), aka, Colorado, the afternoon showers we've been having are a throwback to the summertime days of our childhood. I can remember vividly being kicked out of the swimming pool by the lifeguards because lightning had been spotted in the area. My friends and I would hop out, dry off, go home and drink chocolate milk, watch afternoon cartoons and listen to the rain outside. I'm sure all your fellow Colorado natives can relate, as you probably have a similar memory that revolves around the afternoon rains while growing up.
In all of this, I've only sat through one rain delay this season at Coors Field (knock on wood). Even better, these afternoon showers have brought with them some amazing light and have taken me away from the photo wells and into other parts of the stadium which I haven't visited with a camera in quite a while. It has helped me learn more about the process of constructing a photo instead of just making photos..Being persistant and waiting, instead of just moving along when nothing catches your eye for a few minutes.
I've captured some different things in these images. I've found different moments in the ballpark, some of which I never knew existed (for instance, they go into the fountain EVERY game and retrieve the batting practice home runs). I've captured action from a different angle. And lastly, I've found moments amongst the fans with a sentimental touch.