My apologies for not posting sooner. As you can imagine, a week in Vegas takes a little while to recover from. Anyhoooo....
I arrived in Vegas at the beginning of last week after finagling a free ticket and a one night layover in Denver on my way from Iowa. It almost worked to perfection as I got to see Kristin at home for a night, however, my flight to Sin City on Monday the 10th got delayed and I arrived later than desired.
I got around 6:30 and headed straight to the Thomas and Mack Center to hang our strobes for the Mountain West Conference Basketball Championships that started on Tuesday evening. My colleague Chris and I finished putting up the lights by about 9:45, then headed straight to one of America's finest dining establishments, In N' Out baby! "I'll take a heart attack and a double double animal style pleeeeeeeeeze....
Anyway, the tourney started on Tuesday night with one women's game. Then Wednesday marked the beginning of a four day basketball extravaganza/odyssey/whatever you want to call it, that left me tired, deaf and just about full on crazy by the time it was over. We shot 14 games over course of the championship and just about every night, we'd finish around midnight, grab a quick bite and hit the sack around 2 or 3. We'd wake up around 9:45 and head straight over to the arena and do it all over again. Thus, my internal body clock is still wondering what the heck happened last week. Part of it must think I just hopped in a time machine and went back to college for a week of partying and ignoring the 20 page paper that's due Friday at 5. The other part of it is wondering why it was further punished by sitting cross legged on a hardwood floor all day in some crazy creek knock off that was stitched together with dental floss.
As the week went on, the games got more and more exciting and both final games didn't disappoint. New Mexico took home the Women's title, and UNLV treated the hometown crowd to an exciting win over BYU. Go Runnin' Rebels!!!
I've posted a bunch of pics here, some are better than others, but I thought it was a nice selection of action and emotion, which brings me to my final point.
We all know that a major element of college basketball is EMOTION. It's what makes some of these photos some of my favorite photos that I've shot this year. Next year, if you're near a conference tournament, go see it. No matter how big or little the conference is, if there's an automatic bid to the Big Dance on the line, these players bring everything they have, AND MORE. It's what makes college sports so wonderful, both to watch and photograph.
Enjoy the pics!
"Have I shown you my cool jersey???"

Oh my god, this guy can play. Look at the guy from Utah...