Throughout my still-somewhat-young photography career, time and time again, I'm blown away by the production side of the events that I've covered. What gets lost in the newspapers, telecasts and internet is how much goes into putting on an event like the World Series or the X Games. Hundreds, if not a thousand or so, people make these events go off without a hitch. Security guards, caterers, radio hosts, TV techs, editors, web techs, writers, photographers, janitors, garbage men, beer men, souvenir vendors, broadcasters, etc...are the ones who make these things happen and bring them to the masses. I love being a part of it and here is a sampling of photos that show some of the things we don't normally notice when events are going on.
Hope all is well with everyone and enjoy the pics...
Someone is flipping that light switch...
Rockies groundscrew members pull the tarp over the field in the rain...Yup, I shot it from the nice dry dugout.
An usher at Coors Field cleans the seats in her section before game 4 of the NLCS this past year...
Trainers tending to Matt Holliday after his famous 13th inning slide in the Wild Card Play-In game vs. the Padres last season. Without trainers and team physicians, these athletes would fall apart.

Pregame ceremonies are a highly choreographed series of events. This is a classic example...the flag is unfurled quicky before the anthem and the jets always flyover at the very end of the anthem.
Who else is going to entertain us during timeouts?